Why Should We Opt For Dental Implants Over Other Treatments?

When we lose teeth due to some reasons, the question that arises in our mind will be, “how am I going to get this fixed?” With medical advancements, there are a number of options that are available to replace the lost teeth. One of the methods that stand out in replacing lost teeth is dental implants. Hospitals are offering first class dental implants in Melbourne, at affordable costs.

There are many reasons that add up to make dental implants the best available option in replacing lost teeth.

1. Durability:

Dental implants presents with the best solution for tooth loss, that lasts a lifelong, if proper adjustment is done at the right times. Other treatments like dental bridges offer only a temporary solution even it is properly maintained.

2. Exact replica:

In dental implants, we get the exact replica of the lost natural tooth. Once we get this installed in our jaw, people cannot recognise it as a false tooth, as it presents no difference to the original one.

3. Healthy solution:

Among the number of options that are available, dental implants offer the healthiest solution to tooth loss. Dental implant treatment does not affect the bones or jaws or gums in anyway, instead it helps them restore strength and protect them.

4. Restores normalcy in people:

People who get dental implants installed can function freely and use their teeth for all the regular activities without undergoing any pain or discomfort, just as how they were before losing the teeth.

5. Helps retain the natural face:

When we lose teeth, the surrounding teeth tend to move towards the vacant space, which affects the shape of the face. With dental implants, the lost tooth is replaced exactly in the jaw bone of the lost tooth and hence the loss of face shape is avoided.

6. No cavities:

Dental implants are cavity proof. Once installed, we don’t have to worry about cavity concerns in the dental implant. With proper cleaning practices, it even performs better than the original tooth.

7. Protects healthy tooth:

In other methods, healthy teeth will be grinded to fix the support bridges, which affect those teeth. But dental implants are fixed to the jawbone directly and none of the healthy teeth are disturbed in the process.

8. Protects healthy bone:

When we lose teeth, the exposed bone starts to deteriorate and it spreads across to healthy bone as well. But dental implants are fixed to the exposed jaw bone on the root of the lost tooth, which helps the jaw bone remains healthy underneath the implant.

9. Success rate:

The success rate of dental implant is over 95% over the world. This makes it one of the most successful treatments for tooth loss.

All these reasons make dental implants in Melbourne the best option for treating tooth loss.